General information, policy and scope
RCE is the only publication in Chile that deals with purely entomological topics, focused mainly on the taxonomy and systematics of insects, myriapods and arachnids.
Collaborations for the RCE must correspond to original and unpublished research on entomology in any of its specialties, aspects or relationships, with special reference to Chile or the Neotropical and Nearctic regions. Reviews, monographs, scientific notes, book reviews and obituaries will also be published. The published works will be ordered in the thematic areas of Taxonomy, Systematics and Evolution, Ecology and Biological Conservation of Arthropods, Biology and Behavior, Applied Entomology (agricultural, forestry, medical and forensic) and Biogeography.
The received manuscript will be preliminarily reviewed with Ithenticate-Turnitin anti-plagiarism software ( Works that have more than 10% similarities in the texts, including recycled texts (self-plagiarism) will be rejected without appeal.
The reception of manuscript works will be continuous. The manuscripts received will be preliminarily evaluated by the Chief Editor, who may decide to reject them if they do not comply with the format or thematic scope of the journal. Once this pre-evaluation has been completed, the works will be handled by the corresponding Associate Editor. Acceptance will depend on the opinion expressed by at least two qualified referees, who will evaluate the scientific quality, presentation and writing of the papers. Evaluations will be done anonymously. After analyzing the opinions of the referees, a decision will be made regarding the acceptance or rejection of the works. The referees’ comments will be sent to the authors, who may justify their refusal to introduce the changes suggested by the reviewers with valid arguments. The publication will be made in strict order of receipt, conditioned by its acceptance, leaving a written record of both dates in the manuscript, in addition to specifying the name of the editor who handled and accepted the article.
Publishing process
The contributions received will be sent to one of the Associate Editors, according to the thematic area to which they belong. The Associate Editor will send the manuscript to the selected reviewers, receiving their comments. Once the evaluation process has been completed, the Chief Editor will be informed of this situation, sending him the already evaluated manuscript and with the corrections incorporated by the author(s).
The evaluation of the referees qualifies the work as:
- Without changes
- With minor changes
- With major changes
- Rejected
The work has the status of ACCEPTED when it has passed the peer review process and the author has made all the indicated corrections and modifications.
The Chief Editor will notify the author(s) if their work has been accepted or rejected. The accepted work is sent for proofreading and layout. The delay from the presentation to this stage (press work) is usually between four and six weeks.
With the approved contributions, the volume to be edited will be formed and the steps will be taken for its publication in electronic format (online).
The review of the page proofs will be in charge of the Chief Editor, who will ensure the optimal presentation of the journal. The authors will receive page proofs for approval, which must be answered within a maximum period of ten business days.
Author Guidelines
- Authors who wish to publish their works in the RCE are requested to follow the instructions in this guide in detail. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned so that the corresponding changes can be made.
- Before submitting the manuscript, check the checklist at:
Form and preparation of manuscripts
The RCE receives and publishes principally two types of works: A. Articles and B. Scientific Notes, whose definitions are as follows:
- Articles: Unpublished works based on research results in any field of entomology. For taxonomic works, the results section can be replaced by description, redescription and review of the taxon, while the discussion section by notes or comments. Manuscripts should not exceed 30 spaced and a half (1.5) pages, including figures, tables and bibliographical references.
The structure will include the following points: 1) Title in Spanish and English, centered and beginning in uppercase/lowercase, with scientific names in italics (italic), and a maximum length of 150 characters (including spaces). Under the title, the name(s) of the author(s) must be indicated in upper/lower case, affiliation (place of work, city, country, e-mail, and ORCID record with information on the author(s). several authors, the respective institutions are referred to by correlative numbers indicated as a superscript at the end of each name) and the author and correspondence e-mail must be indicated with an asterisk (only one), 2) Abstract and Key words in Spanish and English, 3) Introduction, 4) Materials and Methods, 5) Results and Discussion (the latter two being able to be joined), 6) Conclusion/s, 7) Acknowledgments and 8) Literature Cited.
- Scientific Notes: Contributions based on aspects of experimental work or research that present a novel methodological approach or that correspond to an advance of ongoing research, whose information is of interest to the scientific community. Works of taxonomic interest such as new records of genera/species, new distribution reports, species inventories and taxonomic notes are also considered.
Manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages spaced and a half (1.5), including figures, tables and bibliographical references. These should be brief, direct and have few bibliographical references. It will not have a specific structure; however, they must include: Brief title in Spanish and English, centered and in highs and lows, with the scientific names in italics (including author and year of description), name of the author(s), affiliation (place of work, postal address, city and e-mail). If there are several authors, the respective institutions are referred to by correlative numbers indicated as a superscript at the end of each name), Abstract, Key words, single text with all the information, Acknowledgments and Literature Cited.
The papers must be written in Word .doc or .docx format, on a letter-size sheet, line spacing [1.5], with Palatino Linotype size 10 font, without justification and without indentation, with a margin of 2.5 cm per side. The use of neologisms and abbreviations not accepted internationally should be avoided. In the numerical notation, the decimals must be separated by a comma (,) and the thousands by a point (.) for works in Spanish, and the decimals must be separated by a point (.) and the thousands by a comma (,) for works in English. Italics should be used only for Latin phrases and abbreviations (example, Ad libitum, A posteriori, in vitro, sensu stricto, taxa, e.g., i.e., nomina dubia); Underlined words are not accepted.
Manuscript written in Spanish or English must include a summary in both languages that should reflect the content of the work, specifying the results and conclusions obtained. It will not include bibliographical references. Regarding Key words, up to a maximum of five will be included, separated by semicolons and that are not present in the title of the work; order them alphabetically. The titles that include scientific names must bear the author(s) of these, with the year of description; The order and family to which they belong will be indicated in parentheses, separated by a colon. The titles of the sections and subtitles will be written with uppercase/lowercase letters and in bold. The main titles of the sections (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, etc.) will be placed in the center of the page and the subtitles towards the left margin. The first time an organism is mentioned, it should be done with its complete scientific name (genus, species, author and year); then only the initial of the generic name and the complete specific name may be cited.
In the case of author abbreviations in botanical names, refer to the International Plant Names Index (IPNI –
If you have any specific questions about the format of a manuscript, it is recommended to consult examples of articles/notes published at to identify the format.
Taxonomic works must adhere to the recommendations of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 1999; descriptions of new taxa should include quality figures suitable for the purpose
Specimen Citation
When material studied or reviewed is listed, it should be cited as follows: Specific name in italics. Number of specimens examined, sex (male or female). COUNTRY. Region, Province, City, Locality, coordinates if any, altitude, collection method, collection date (day-month-year), collector. Acronym of the collection in which it is deposited [in square brackets]. Please check official acronym catalogs such as Arnett et al. (1993) «The Insect and Spider Collections of the World», 2nd edition, (
Example. Lasioderma serricorne. 2 males, 1 female. CHILE. Coquimbo, Choapa province, Illapel, Cuesta El Cepillo, 0°00’00”N – 00°00’00”O, 0.000 m, 16-II-1991, col. C. Gutiérrez [MNNC].
The deposit of the primary type specimens in the collection of a recognized institution, committed to the preservation of biological material, that allows free access to it and that provides the necessary information on the specimens in custody when required, must also be clearly indicated. Author mentions in the text should only be made with a capital initial, example: Cepeda. The term Bibliography is reserved for those cases in which an exhaustive compilation is made on a certain topic (reviews, monographs, etc.). All works cited in the text must appear in the Literature Cited and vice versa. They will be arranged alphabetically by author’s last name. Collaborative works will follow those of the sole author, in alphabetical order corresponding to the second author, third, etc. When there is more than one work by the same author or group of authors, they will be located chronologically. If they were also from the same year, the letters of the alphabet will be used consecutively to distinguish them. If more than one work by the same author or group of authors is cited, their name will be transcribed in full each time. Abbreviated citations of the name of the journal are not accepted, only the full name of the journal.
The DOI code must be placed at the end of the reference as follows:
For the format of Literature Cited follow APA format (modified), as follows: Journal article references:
Jaume-Schinkel, S. (2021) New geographical records of Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) in Mexico. Revista Chilena Entomología, 47(4): 741-746.
Rothmann, S. y González, G. (2021) Presencia de la especie oceánica Apolinus lividigaster (Mulsant, 1853) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) en Rapa Nui, Chile. Revista Chilena Entomología, 47(4): 673-675.
Belintani, T., Fernandes Paiva, V., Oliveira, J., Gil-Santana, H.R. and da Rosa, J.A. (2021) Wings or hemelytra? brief considerations on terminology in studies with Triatominae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Revista Chilena Entomología, 47(4): 669-672.
Book references:
Ślipiński, A. (2007) Australian Ladybird Beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Their Biology and Clasification. ABRS, Camberra, Australia. XVIII + 286 pp.
Lanfranco, D. y Ruiz, C. (2010) Entomología Forestal en Chile. Ediciones Universidad Austral de Chile. Valdivia, Chile. 486 pp.
Bell, W.J., Roth, L.M. and Nalepa, C.A. (2007) Cockroaches: Ecology, Behavior, and Natural History. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, United States of America. 247 pp.
Contributions appearing in books published by third parties:
Jerez, V. (2005) Patrones de diversidad de Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) en la Cordillera de la Costa de Chile central y sur. Historia, biodiversidad y ecología de los bosques costeros de Chile. En: Smith-Ramírez, C., Armesto, J.J. y Valdovinos (Eds.). Pp. 340-448. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile.
González-Soriano, E. y Novelo-Gutiérrez, R. (2007) Odonata of Mexico revisited. Pp. 105-136. In: Tyagi, B.K. (Ed.), Odonata: Biology of Dragonflies. Scientific Publishers, India. 366 pp.
Articles in press must include the possible volume, the year, and the name of the journal; otherwise they should be omitted.
Works in press:
Velásquez, J.R., López, F.C. y Romero, R.M. (2021) (en prensa) Neurópteros endémicos del Desierto de Atacama, Chile. Gayana, 50.
References to documents on the Internet:
Faúndez, E. and Carvajal, M. (2014) A new hostplant record for Coleopterodes liliputianum (Signoret, 1864) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae), with comments on its distribution in Chile. Accessed: 20 May 2015. Available from:
iNaturalist (2021) Ocurrence available from: Accessed: 16 September 2021. (2021) Occurrence download: Accessed 4 October 2021.
SIAP [Sistema de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera] (2021) Anuario estadístico de la producción agrícola 2020 en México. Sistema de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera de la Secretaría de Desarrollo Rural, México, D.F. Consultado: 28 de julio de 2021. Disponible en:
Contributions appearing in proceedings of congresses or symposiums:
Rejas, V.C. (1986) Estados inmaduros de los representantes de la familia Aeshnidae (Odonata) en el sur del Perú. En: Actas y Trabajos del XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Entomología, 1986, Arequipa, Perú. pp. 10-12.
Miranda, M.A. (2019) Manejo agroecológico de plagas de los cítricos en el Valle de Apatzingán. En: Memoria XLII Congreso Nacional de Control Biológico, Veracruz, México. pp. 37-49.
Note that scientific names and journal volume are highlighted, which are written in italics. In the case of titles that include generic or specific names, the order and family to which they belong must be placed in parentheses, separated by a colon.
Bibliographic citations in the text are made by mentioning the author’s last name followed by the year of publication and in parentheses. The author’s last name and the year in parentheses are also accepted. Example: (Parra-Gómez 2021); (Miranda-Ramírez et al. 2021); Honour (2021); Delaloye et al. (2000). Several works by the same author published in the same year must be differentiated with lowercase letters (example: Rojas 1981a, 1981b, 1981c or Rojas 1981a, b, c); for citations of works by two authors, the surnames of both must be mentioned (example: Rojas and Cavada 1979); papers by more than two authors should be cited by the surname of the first author followed by et al.; multiple works cited within parentheses should be separated by semicolons. Examples (Frías 1986; Toro and Rojas 1968; Grez et al. 1986; Rojas and Cavada 1979). The scientific names will bear the surname of the describer in the Summary and in the Abstract (without year), and the first time it is mentioned in the text they will be written with the year of publication of these (example: Poophylax falklandica Champion, 1916). The vernacular names of animals and plants will go between parentheses or quotation marks. Only Latin words should be presented in italics. Internet citations must follow the same rules as for printed works, however, the year of publication, the month and the day must be specified, if the date of consultation also appears. Graphs, diagrams, maps, drawings and photographs will bear the denomination of figures (abbreviated as Fig. or Figs. in the text); the term Table will be used to designate any set of data presented in compact form (abbreviated as Tab. in the text). At the end of the manuscript, a page header (abbreviated title) of no more than 80 characters, including spaces and last name(s) of the author(s) should be indicated (example: Guerrero et al.: Parasitic action of Hymenoptera on Plutella xylostella (L.)). Figures must be of good quality and professionally made. The sets of drawings and photographs must be organized in plates considering the full size of the page, include identifying labels (numbers or letters) for each figure. The final figures (after the manuscript evaluation process) must be sent in digital files. In this case, the photographs and figures must be of excellent quality (minimum 300 dpi or dpi), preferably in «tiff» format or alternatively in «jpg» format and must come as images in separate files. For composite figures, indicate the images with correlative letters with their respective explanation in the legend. Images or graphics in Word or Excel will not be accepted. The figures will include a short, precise and self-explanatory legend, and will be numbered consecutively. Graphic scales must be used, which will be presented by bars indicating the corresponding measurement and unit. If possible, do not include authorship of the photographs in the legend. Legends and explanations of figures and tables must be presented at the end of the manuscript in Spanish and English/English and Spanish. The number of tables and figures should be limited to the minimum necessary to understand the text.
Legend example:
Figures 1-4. Aegorhinus delfini (Germain). 1a-b. Aedeagus, ventral and lateral views. 2. Sternite 8 of the female. 3. Spermatheca. Scale: 1 mm. / Aegorhinus delfini (Germain). 1a-b. Aedeagus, vistas ventral y lateral. 2. Esternito 8 de la hembra. 3. Espermateca. Escala: 1 mm.
The symbols that represent units of measure are not abbreviations and therefore should not be followed by a period (except when it is the end point of a sentence) (e.g., mm, cm, m, mg, g, kg, s, min, h).
Do not leave a space between a number and the symbol % (“20%”, not “20 %”), but yes between a number and the symbol “°C” (“18 °C”, not “18°C” or “18° C”).
In the case of two authors, their surnames will be separated by «&» or «and» for works in English, and with «and» for works in Spanish. For the identification of the sex of the studied specimens corresponding to taxonomic works, only the words «male» or «female» should be used, not using symbols or abbreviations. The use of sex symbols will only be accepted when they appear on labels of studied specimens that must be quoted verbatim.
The RCE is a free publication, there are no charges for publication of articles/notes.
Submission of manuscripts:
To send contributions, you must necessarily register as author(s) and/or reviewer in the portal www.biotaxa/rce (follow registration instructions). Only in exceptional cases will manuscripts sent by e-mail to: be accepted.
At the time of submission, the authors must attach a letter addressed to the editor, indicating that all the authors agree with the publication of the article/note in the RCE. Likewise, the author(s) must declare that all the data presented in the manuscript is real and authentic, and that the article/note has not been previously published and that it is not considered for publication in any other journal, in addition to the article does not infringe any copyright or intellectual property rights, and does not contain offensive, defamatory or discriminatory statements. Once received, the editor will process the manuscript electronically (evaluation), and once it is accepted, the author must send the final version (including original figures in high resolution). Only for the review process, low resolution figures inserted in a Word or pdf file will be accepted.
Submission of articles written in English
Authors must ensure that papers submitted in English are reviewed by a person whose native language is that language or who has fully demonstrated knowledge of it.
The author(s) can suggest at least two suitable referees for their work, including specialists from abroad, detailing their email addresses and institutions to which they belong. The Editorial Committee will designate the referees of the manuscript, which could be different from those suggested by the authors.
Funding Source. The source of financing for the work must be indicated and include the code or reference number of the financed project.